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Tuesday 10 September
TLT, London

Book online here – Regen and ESN members only
Previous meeting minutes

Regen’s members have identified the planning system for clean energy projects as not fit for purpose, creating delays that impact the deployment of essential renewable energy and storage projects.

In response to this challenge, Regen and the Electricity Storage Network (ESN) have set up a working group for members which provides an opportunity to discuss issues faced in the planning process and how we can shape work on planning reform.

Since our last meeting, there have been significant developments in the planning landscape, including the publication of the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the establishment of the UK Government’s onshore wind taskforce. This meeting will review the work undertaken since our last meeting and shape our future work in this area. It will also provide an opportunity to network with members.  The agenda includes:

  • An update from DESNZ
  • The chance to discuss and feedback on our draft response to the NPPF consultation
  • An update on the onshore wind taskforce and how we can contribute to their work
  • A discussion of the working group stakeholder engagement project

At present, we run a policy to offer one place per organisation for this working group, to enable efficient and effective discussion.

If you are not a member but are interested in finding out more about membership, please find more information here and contact Rebecca (rwindemer@regen.co.uk) to discuss.

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10th September 2024
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm


TLT offices,

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