Regen has worked with the Energy Networks Association’s DNO group to explore the potential interactions and integration between Distribution Network Operator (DNO) processes and proposed Regional Energy Strategic Planner (RESP) functions. This project aims to provide constructive input to the future design and function of the RESPs, focused on the interaction between RESPs and DNOs.

Project duration: January 2024 – July 2024

Project lead: Jonty Haynes, principal analyst

Project aims

The purpose of this project is to provide constructive input to the future design and function of the Regional Energy Strategic Planners (RESPs), focused on the interaction between RESPs and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).

To develop this report, Regen has worked with the ENA DNO group to understand current DNO network development processes and explore the potential interactions and integration between DNO processes and proposed RESP functions. Input from the DNO group has been obtained through interviews, Requests for Information and roundtable discussions. Report recommendations have been compiled by Regen, with review and input from the ENA DNO group members.

While there are a range of views and priorities across GB’s DNOs, this report reflects a consensus among the DNO group.


The outcome of the project will be published in July in the form of a short report. The report is set to make a number of recommendations that would enable the RESPs to efficiently add value to the DNO network development process and wider regional energy planning activities, with suggestions as to how the DNO and RESP work practices could evolve together. It will also identify functions that should remain within the DNOs’ remit to maintain clear accountabilities, avoid duplication of efforts and make best use of existing DNO capabilities and knowledge.

It is hoped that this report will add to the ongoing RESP design development and inform further discussion within the RESP stakeholder group.


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