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Tuesday 24 September
Online – Zoom

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Meeting the UK’s critical net zero targets will require a step change in how we strategically plan the energy system at national, regional and local levels.

To this end, Ofgem has confirmed the introduction of the Regional Energy Strategic Plans (RESPs) to be led by the National Energy System Operator (NESO) and help meet the need for more aligned, place-based and collaborative strategic planning.

A key objective of the RESP will be to develop whole-system regional energy strategic plans that show current and future energy demand within a region, provide alignment between national and local energy plans and pathways, and enable strong place-based engagement and coordination of net zero. A full consultation on the RESP is open and will close on 8 October 2024.

This online webinar will explore the proposed policy framework as well as Regen’s recommendations for the regional governance structure and ‘building blocks’ of the RESP. We will be gathering your feedback during the event on key policy positions to present in our consultation response.

This session will hear from:

  • Fiona Campbell, head of local governance and flexibility strategy, Ofgem
  • Clothilde Cantegreil, head of strategy (distribution) at Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
  • Andrew Richmond, policy adviser – climate change and growth, Local Government Association
  • Cheryl Hiles, director of Energy Capital, West Midlands Combined Authority

RESP Speakers 1


This is a Regen member sponsored event.

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September 24
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



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