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Osborne Clarke, Bristol

Thursday 30 May 2019

15:00 – 18:00

View the agenda here

“Regen’s subsidy-free solar developer forum brings together leading players in the sector with key policy makers and regulators to discuss how to enable large scale solar to become a successful and sustainable sector playing a key role in the UK’s energy future and decarbonisation targets.”

The UK is working to become one of the first markets to build large scale solar and storage projects without public subsidy. Development pipelines have been restarted with grid applications going to DNOs and planning permission applied for hundreds of MWs.

As post-subsidy solar and storage becomes a reality the focus is turning on how it can contribute most effectively to the overall UK energy system. The importance of focusing on the overall contribution of solar and storage has been highlighted by recent developments including: National Grid System Operator proposals that solar will be ‘de-rated’ to 1% in a reformed Capacity Market; Ofgem’s proposals to charge decentralised generators for grid balancing, and analysis of the potential price cannibalisation of the wholesale market price at times of high solar output.

The session focussed on how system operators and the market will allocate value, and how solar and storage developers will need to evolve to maximise their contribution to the energy system.

Presentations from the day:

Speakers for the day included:

  • Lily Coles, commercial sales director, Anesco Limited
  • Alan John, partner, Osborne Clarke
  • Biljana Stojkovska, innovation manager, power potential project Lead, National Grid ESO
  • Eric Weemaels, technical acquisition manager, Foresight Group
  • Paul Jewell, policy manager, Western Power Distribution
  • Tom Palmer, principal consultant, Cornwall Insight
  • Nicholas Gall, senior policy analyst, Solar Trade Association

The event is kindly hosted by Osborne Clarke

Osborne Clarke

Our next forum will be held on 23 October 2020.


30th May 2019


Osborne Clarke
Bristol, Somerset BS1 6AJ

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