The Welsh Government commissioned Regen to produce the Energy Generation in Wales study to obtain a holistic understanding of the energy generated in Wales. The study charts the progress achieved towards their target for 70% of electricity consumption to be generated by renewables by 2030. The Welsh Government has also set a target that by 2030, one gigawatt of renewable energy capacity would be locally owned.

The study analyses how the energy generation capacity in Wales has changed over time, in order to support the development of their energy policy, helping to evidence the economic, community and environmental benefits from the development of Welsh energy projects.

In the latest study for 2018, it has been found that Wales has reached the milestone of 50% of its electricity consumption being generated by renewable electricity. This has risen from 19% in 2014 and is well on the way to meeting the 70% target in 2030.

Led by: Joel Venn


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