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Annual Marketplace Logo

Tuesday 26 January – Thursday 28 January

Recordings of the all the sessions can be found below

Storage is often referred to as essential to achieving a net zero grid, the vital link that will enable decarbonisation of our electricity system. But sitting behind these ambitious declarations is a hive of activity in the industry to deploy storage, use it to help balance our grid, and to ensure long term stability of the storage sector.

We’re at the start of building a thriving storage industry – we have the opportunity right now to create a sustainable, secure, enduring sector that will get us to a net zero grid. This is the aim of the Electricity Storage Network, and forms the basis of all our discussions and debates – all of which informed and inspired this three-day marketplace, a regular annual event in the ESN calendar.

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The ESN is a membership organisation, committed to creating an environment in which storage can flourish, ensuring that regulations and markets work for all types of storage, without favouring one particular technology.

Established in 2008 as the UK industry group dedicated to electricity storage, it includes a broad range of electricity storage technologies and members, such as electricity storage manufacturers and suppliers, project developers, users, electricity network operators, consultants, academic institutions, and research organisations.

The ESN is managed by Regen. If you are interested in joining the ESN please email Hannah at hstanley@regen.co.uk


26th January 2021 @ 10:00 am
28th January 2021 @ 5:00 pm



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