Green Energy Award Winners 2022


Clean Energy Scheme – Avon Fire and Rescue Service, Solarsense

Avon Fire and Rescue Service was selected as one of the UK’s climate leaders by the Cabinet Office in the lead up to the COP26 conference. Combining a range of integrated renewable technologies across five sites in the south west, the Avon Fire and Rescue Service clean energy project will generate carbon savings of more than 127,117 kg per year and benchmarks the Fire and Rescue sector in the UK’s Net Zero journey.


Whole Energy System Innovation – Zap Map

Zap-Map’s mission is to accelerate the shift to EVs and zero-carbon mobility. The easy-to use Zap-Map app helps EV drivers search for available charge points, plan longer electric journeys, pay for charging and share updates with other EV drivers.


Community Energy Initiative – Exeter Community Energy

Along with significant renewable generation sites, which have prevented 67.3 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2021, Exeter Community Energy has created the Healthy Homes for Wellbeing scheme. This scheme helps those far beyond the reaches of Exeter to fight their way out of fuel poverty. So far it has assisted 2,590 homes in 2021, saving the clients an estimated £1.3 million. The support network now includes over 750 key workers and receives over 80 new referrals each month.


Local Energy Leadership – Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s strong portfolio of policies and projects have put them on target to reach their goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2038. Initiatives include delivering energy efficiency measures for the worst performing homes, investing in innovation and new business models and developing renewable energy generation.


Net Zero Energy Developer – Octopus Energy

Octopus Energy is an energy group whose renewables arm has a £3 billion global portfolio of over 300 solar, onshore wind and biomass projects and is investing £3 billion in green hydrogen plants. Octopus has also built a £10 million Electrification of Heat Centre to support the government in hitting its target of 600,000 heat pump installations a year, by training 1,000 engineers each year.


Net Zero Energy Pioneer – Nicola Water

Nicola has built not one but two green energy companies from 10 to over 100 people. Her transition from developing clean energy assets to services, and then to the digital integration of those assets, tracks the journey of the clean energy industry over the last 15 years, albeit a few years behind her. She is a tireless doer, an unstoppable force, and a breath of fresh air


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