Fraser Stewart

Fraser Stewart

Just Transition Lead

Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a background in research and advocacy, he is passionate about making energy innovations work actively against poverty and inequality, maximizing their social impact, and building key principles of justice and equity into the wider energy transition across local, national, and international levels.

Alongside his Regen role, Fraser sits on the Scottish Government’s Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel, steering and scrutinizing devolved policy to tackle fuel poverty in Scotland. He was pivotal to establishing Glasgow’s first ever community energy project which brought community solar to two deprived areas of the city, has worked across a number of local- and national-level energy initiatives, and is passionate about leading the popular conversation on energy, climate, and social justice.

Blog posts by Fraser

Fast and fair: Regen receives funding for vital just transition work

Roadmap to RESP can set the course for a more dynamic and fair energy system

How to leverage local and community energy for a just transition in Scotland

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