The UK government is investing £160 million in port and manufacturing developments to bring us closer to deployment of 5 GW of floating offshore wind (FLOW) by 2030 and to unlock its role in the UK’s wider net zero objectives.

BEIS released a request for information to better understand how the Manufacturing Investment Scheme (FLOWMIS) can be designed to effectively use this funding. Regen’s response can be found below.


Regen’s response to the Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Scheme request for information:

This response is based on our experience engaging with the Celtic Sea APPG, the Celtic Sea Cluster, key industrial and supply chain stakeholders, The Crown Estate, BEIS and National Grid.

Other relevant work includes:

  • Regen’s floating offshore wind supply chain opportunity analysis for the Heart of the South West LEP and Devon County Council, in partnership with North Devon and Torridge District Councils, focuses on the key strengths and capabilities for the region to support FLOW development in the Celtic Sea. Regen identified practical areas for collaboration with other stakeholders across the South West, South Wales and Ireland, recognising the existing maritime clusters and strong skill capability already present within the region.
  • Go West!, a study exploring and quantifying the system benefits of an evenly distributed offshore wind supply, specifically looking at floating developments across north west Scotland and within the Celtic Sea, incorporating Irish wind farms. The rationale to accelerate the deployment of floating wind in the west is in part to deliver the UK’s net zero commitments and to provide a more balanced and robust energy system, and in part a means to ensure the socio-economic benefits of floating offshore wind are realised across the UK.
  • A market review of clean propulsion systems for the University of Exeter, focusing on the potential economic opportunity for the South West from clean maritime propulsion. This covered the potential market for clean vessels within the FLOW sector, building on work by the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.

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