Our new and improved final report with National Grid ESO analyses how the future net zero energy system will operate in challenging conditions on a difficult summer day and a difficult winter day in 2035.

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A day in the life of 2035

Second editionPublished 13 October 2022

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  • Download the executive summary here.

Welcome to the new and improved ‘A day in the life of 2035: Second edition’ report exploring how the future decarbonised electricity system could operate on challenging days.

The publication is the culmination of our project with National Grid ESO, expanding and improving on analysis in our initial report released earlier this year.

The new report highlights how our future net zero energy system could operate by presenting two snapshot narratives of very different summer and winter days in 2035, each with their own challenges and opportunities in which the system’s energy security or resilience are tested.

This analysis was published 13 October 2022. To stay up to date with the launch of Regen’s publications and other market insight, sign up to our mailing list here.

Read more about the project with National Grid ESO here.

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