In response to industry pressure from the likes of Regen and the ESN, National Grid ESO has begun releasing data describing actions taken within the balancing mechanism – which assets are dispatched, when and why. The release and continual update of this data is an important step towards greater transparency for market participants and allows insight into the carbon intensity of grid operation. In collaboration with the ESN, Regen has analysed the data, identified limitations and provided feedback to the ESO; this will help the ESO as they strive towards greater transparency.

As illustrated in the graphic below, the data clearly shows the reliance on fossil gas for balancing actions, a reliance which must be shifted towards low carbon technologies if the ESO is to run a net zero grid.


Balancing Mechanism Graphic 2

For a more detailed explanation into the balancing mechanism, dispatch data and grid transparency, watch the presentation from our intern energy analyst, Bruce Bardsley, below.

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