Are you looking for funding for your community energy organisation? Are you based in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, or North East Lincolnshire?


This fund opportunity is now closed.


We have a total of £50,000 available for amazing new and existing community energy organisations and climate action groups in the North East, Yorkshire, and North East Lincolnshire.

This opportunity runs from 10 May to 8 August 2023, so don’t miss out on this chance to make a positive change in your community!

The fund aims to help community energy organisations start-up, build capacity or explore feasibility of new energy projects.

If your group operates within Northern Powergrid’s area, you could be eligible for a grant of up to £10,000! Check out the guidance document below for a list of eligible project types and regions.

The guidance document for this year’s fund is also available to download here.  You can also view this year’s application questions beforehand here.

In 2022, we awarded grants to nine community groups for projects, including community-owned solar PV and energy advice services. We can’t wait to see the innovative projects that will be funded this year!

Apply and let’s create a cleaner, more sustainable future together!

NPG Logo White Background

If you have any queries about the project, we’re here to help. Come along to one of our Community Energy Forums in York on the 6 July and Newcastle on the 7 July 2023 to find out more or send us an email with any questions you have:

To stay up to date with recent community energy news don’t forget to sign up for Regen’s Community Energy newsletter here.


People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: ongoing

Regen has supported Northern Powergrid to develop a three-year strategy to engage and support community and local energy stakeholders in their licence areas.

The strategy was developed based on feedback from 17 community energy representatives, who told us what support they need, how they would like to be engaged and what role they want to play in the future energy system. The strategy was also informed by insight from Regen’s community energy engagement experience over the past eight years, and in depth interviews with Northern Powergrid’s senior team, to test the feasibility of new ideas.

This strategy includes Northern Powergrid’s vision, purpose and approach, and an action plan with commitments which Northern Powergrid can work towards over the next three years (2020-2023) to support the community and local energy sector to grow and thrive.

You can read the full strategy here.

Northern Powergrid

If you are interested in finding out more about our work and how we support community energy, please contact Jodie Giles

We run regular engagement events for communities that you can view here and we have a special rate for community energy organisations who would like to be members of Regen which can be found here. 


People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration:

OpenDSR is a government funded project looking to demonstrate a concept for domestic demand side response (DSR) and support the development of a business model for the Energy Community Aggregator Service (ECAS), a community owned DSR aggregator and energy service provider.

The OpenDSR project aims to reduce cost and barriers to domestic participation in demand side response (DSR), achieving this through:

  • Interoperability – enabling devices, assets and appliances to communicate with each other and external control systems
  • Open standards – using a minimum standards-based approach to using DSR products
  • Open source – using freely available, standardised base software for controlling and recording DSR calls, dispatches and transactions/payments
  • Off the shelf hardware – enabling existing control hardware products/components that meet electrical safety and other industry standards from the outset

The project is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Innovative Domestic DSR Competition – Phase 2. Regen is a project partner alongside Carbon Co-op, Megni OpenEnergyMonitor, Great Places and EV Parts.

The project will test and demonstrate the potential for multiple household energy loads to be controlled remotely to reduce demand at particular times, for example at times of peak electricity demand on either the local electricity network or the national electricity grid. Smart electric vehicle (EV) chargers will be installed in 60 Carbon Co-op members’ homes, and immersion heaters, solar panels and solar diverters will be installed in 40 social households belonging to Great Places in Manchester. Carbon Co-op will aggregate this portfolio of domestic distributed energy resources (DERs) and have an agreement with that householder to be able to:

  • optimise when electricity is used to save the householder money if they are on a time-of-use tariff (TOUT)
  • directly control household assets and electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment, to participate in existing and upcoming flexibility markets, sending signals to a Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which the householder can override if they don’t want to participate.

The project builds on the ECAS and OpenDSR Phase 1 feasibility studies.

Energy Communities Aggregator Service (ECAS) – Local Flexibility Markets (2018)

OpenDSR Phase 1 Feasibility Report

Electric Car Smile Edit 02

To find out more about Open DSR or community energy more generally, contact Ky Hoare at

We run regular engagement events for communities that you can view here and we have a special rate for community energy organisations who would like to be members of Regen which can be found here. 


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: January to February 2019

Regen worked with the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) to explore the potential benefits for community energy organisations of engaging with the Catapult’s Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) process, as well as the benefits that their engagement would bring to the process.  The output was a report for the ESC to inform the development of the LAEP process going forwards.

The LAEP process is a concept that has been developed by the ESC.  It aims to create a transparent and evidence-based open dialogue to enable stakeholders, facilitated by local government, to more robustly interrogate different future local energy scenarios and to develop local whole system plans to support cost-effective options for decarbonisation.

To support the roll-out of the LAEP process, the ESC commissioned Jodie Giles, Regen’s community energy expert, and Hazel Williams, Regen’s planning expert, to:

  • Identify the potential benefits for community energy organisations of engaging with LAEP development and delivery.
  • Identify the potential benefits for a LAEP process when community energy organisations are engaged.

Based on interviews with community energy organisations and local authorities, Regen uncovered the following key findings:

There are potential economic, social and environmental benefits for communities

By engaging with a LAEP, communities would be able to understand what parts of the future energy system they could benefit from, for example through asset ownership, the revenue it generates, reduced energy costs, and a boost to local employment and growth.

Whilst the environmental benefits are plain to see – lower carbon emissions – perhaps less so are the social benefits. Engagement in a significant long-term project, such as development of new renewable energy generation, involves local people in a range of activities, improving skills and confidence.

By making collective decisions about the use and distribution of income, local communities also develop greater self-determination through the direct control of local resources.


Image – comparison between the community wind farm Awel Aman Tawe and Pen Y Cymoedd wind farm


It will help ensure community groups are ‘transition savvy’

The interviewees believed LAEP would help community energy groups find their place in the new, low carbon energy system, and help them decide which are the best projects for them to focus on. The whole system perspective of LAEP (i.e. to consider how change to one part of the system affect the whole) would help broaden their knowledge and perspective.

The process could also provide evidence to inform grassroots action, for example on decarbonisation and addressing climate change.

It could encourage buy-in from residents

High quality, broad engagement was considered vital to encourage buy-in for any plan from local people and could help address the common criticism that top-down plans often fail to account for local circumstances.

Community energy organisations have close relationships with many stakeholders including consumers, private and social landlords, and investors. As a trusted local organisation with a history of local engagement, they could facilitate positive engagement with the wider local community.

Overall, community energy representatives were overwhelmingly positive about local area energy planning. Done well, the interviewees believed it would probably add confidence to community energy plans and support inward public and private investment from landowners, funders and investors.

Community energy organisations are important local energy system actors and agents of change

Community energy organisations are ambitious in what they’re trying to achieve and fully on-board with the drive to eliminate carbon emissions from the energy system.

These characteristics, combined with their knowledge of the local energy system, make them key players in ensuring that the local energy planning process maximises the benefits it could bring to the public.

Looking to the future for Local Area Energy Planning

The ESC is working with Ofgem and Government to test the potential of rolling out such an approach more widely. The LAEP concept is referenced in recent RIIO-2 Business Plan guidance.


To find out more about this work, contact  Hazel Williams at, or Jodie Giles at


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Energy Market Analyst
As an energy market analyst, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: September 2016 – March 2019

Over the past three years, the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and all six UK Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), together with Regen, have delivered a collective programme of events and guides to encourage and increase communities’ engagement in electricity network innovation, as DNOs transition to Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

The community energy sector has encountered difficulties in the past few years with policy changes from the UK government affecting previously reliable business models based on income from the Feed-in Tariff, leading communities to look towards network innovation to build new business cases, overcome network constraints and take part in new and emerging energy markets.

Since 2016, DNOs have made great strides in developing their relationship with communities, engaging more to help them understand what they can offer the network, how DNOs can support low-carbon energy goals, running innovation trials communities can take part in, and explaining how the DSO transition will affect them. Communities are a key partner for DNOs as they transition to DSOs in an ever-more decentralised energy system.

Our ‘Engaging communities in network innovation impact report 2016 – 2018‘ summarises collective DNO engagement with communities on electricity network innovation over the past three years, with a selection of individual DNO activity, and the lessons for future engagement with this stakeholder group.

This project also included:


If you are interested in finding out more about our work and how we support community energy, please contact Jodie Giles

We run regular engagement events for communities that you can view here and we have a special rate for community energy organisations who would like to be members of Regen which can be found here. 


People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: December 2018 – February 2019

We have written a report for the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) producing recommendations for the protection, promotion and upscaling of community and local ownership of renewable energy in Wales. The report is part of the IWA’s Re-energising Wales project, a three-year project to deliver a roadmap for how Wales can meet its projected energy demand from 100% renewable sources by 2035, building on the Welsh Government’s renewable energy targets set in September 2017:

  • to generate 70% of its electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2030
  • for 1 GW of renewable electricity generation to be locally owned by 2030
  • for all renewable energy projects to have an element of local ownership by 2020.

The focus of our report was onshore renewable generation capacity, how community ownership of renewable energy has been achieved at scale elsewhere and Welsh factors that could be used to encourage more community and local ownership of renewable energy schemes, maximising its social and economic value for Wales. We conducted desk-based research and a series of interviews with key stakeholders, as well as drawing on Regen’s expertise in innovative local energy models. Our recommendations followed four themes:

  • Shared ownership
  • Establishing a local energy company for Wales
  • Planning and land access
  • Access to the grid

Read the full report here.

“The IWA has worked with Regen on two occasions. On both occasions, the staff at Regen have been passionate and a pleasure to work with. In the most recent commission, we asked Regen to deliver a complex piece of work in a very short space of time and they delivered efficiently and effectively. Regen staff are proactive and they go above and beyond to make sure that the work produced is the best it can be. Regen’s experience and specialist knowledge in the energy sector is exceptional.”

Shea Buckland-Jones, Re-Energising Wales Project Coordinator

Read Shea’s blog on the report’s recommendations here.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: January 2018 – February 2019

Over the course of 2018 a group of communities with an interest in transforming how we buy, use and generate energy came together to hold a series of ‘utopian feasts’. These communal meals acted as a medium in which ideas of a better future, and how it might be achieved, could be explored, shared and evolved.

Of course, energy use and generation has multiple direct relationships with any meal: it underpins everything from the cooking and preparation, the food and drink consumed, to the surrounding infrastructure. But a communal meal also embodies how any one ‘sustainability’ issue cannot ultimately be kept separate from any other, or from the more intangible and unpredictable elements that otherwise sustain our lives.

Prior to the first ‘Feast’, those involved took part in two afternoons of workshops looking at the idea of ‘imagining the future’, ready for the feasts they hosted:

The fifth and final feast, hosted by Tamar Energy Community, will take place in early 2019.

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: June 2018 to September 2019.

The UK’s energy system is undergoing seismic changes. The old structure of large, strategically placed power stations and an electricity network that simply delivers power to customers is gone. The landscape is one of shifting demand, greater decentralisation and commitments to reduce or eliminate the dirtiest forms of electricity generation.


Power to Participate was a year long project aimed at addressing the barriers faced by community energy organisations when exploring new markets such as the provision flexibility services. The project was funded by Friends Provident Foundation.

Communities have been playing a pivotal role in this transition to a new system, proving that ideas, innovation and investment can and perhaps should come from the customers that end up using the power.

But community energy as a movement risks being left behind. The rapid changes in technology that impact how the UK’s energy system operates and is balanced are forcing a rewrite of the policies and regulations that govern it. Unless communities can articulate the value of the role they can play in the new world, they may not be able to play at all.

Regen was awarded funding from the Friends Provident Foundation to work with community energy groups and distribution network operators to understand why engagement with new flexibility opportunities has been so low and how it could be improved.

You can read our launch blog here and the final report here, both launched in September 2019.

Combined With Header

Community energy organisations are widely expected to play a significant role in our future energy system.

Throughout the last decade, community groups have helped decarbonise and decentralise the electricity system, bringing investment and engagement from their local areas. But the system is experiencing rapid change.

Parts of the electricity network are now seeing constraints, preventing the connection of more low carbon generation and struggling to cope with shifting patterns of demand as numbers of heat pumps and electric vehicles grows. To combat these constraints, all the UK’s Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are buying ‘flexibility services’: i.e. the ability for generators or large demand customers to turn their asset up or down if needed. It was widely anticipated that community energy organisations, hungry for new opportunities after the reduction in Feed in Tariff, would eagerly participate in these competitions for flex and potentially go on to explore opportunities at the system balancing level.

However, few community energy organisations are in a position to participate in these flexibility markets, let alone national balancing markets such as those run by National Grid ESO.

Throughout 2018 and 2019, Regen has engaged with community energy organisations, Ofgem, government and the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to understand why communities are not participating in the emergent flexibility markets.

We brought together these key stakeholders at a ‘Hackathon’ style event in November 2018 and established some key barriers to participation and how they should be addressed. This has resulted in a report or specification that outlines 13 steps that must be taken to ‘level the playing field’ and enable participation from a wider supply chain.

Power To Participate

If you are interested in finding out more about our work and how we support community energy, please contact Jodie Giles

We run regular engagement events for communities that you can view here and we have a special rate for community energy organisations who would like to be members of Regen which can be found here. 


People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Energy Market Analyst
As an energy market analyst, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: Ongoing

Regen has worked with Western Power Distribution (WPD) and the Energy Networks Association (ENA) on a range of animations to communicate complex and technical topics in a concise and visual way. We are leading the sector in the delivery of animations as communication tools to explain the challenges ahead for the energy networks. Explaining how key technologies such as electricity storage and electric vehicles are due to revolutionise the energy system and provide new opportunities. As well as how key projects such as the Open Networks project will help with the evolution of our energy networks. See some examples below.

The growth of electric vehicles (published July 2018)

Electricity storage (published June 2017)

A full range of the WPD animations is available here.


Introduction to the Open Networks Project (published December 2017)

If you are interested in finding out more about this work, please contact Olly Frankland at




People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Energy Market Analyst
As an energy market analyst, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: July 2018 – November 2018

Regen supported Western Power Distribution (WPD) to engage communities in the transition from Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator (DSO) and clarify what this means for local energy stakeholders. The consultation paper outlined the key elements of the DSO transition, the main opportunities for communities, and explained new flexibility services. The questionnaire asked communities how they want to be involved in our future electricity network and what support they need, especially around new services being procured by DNOs such as flexibility. Alongside the consultation Regen and WPD delivered 8 community engagement events in 2018.

The aim of the consultation was to:

  • support community energy organisations to develop knowledge about our changing energy system and encourage informed participation
  • find out what communities think and what their future energy plans are, and use this information to inform WPD’s ongoing engagement and capacity building support for community and local energy stakeholders
  • ensure WPD’s vision for DSO is aligned with the needs of customers and stakeholders

There were 49 responses to this consultation demonstrating significant interest from a sector that has to date found it difficult to engage in the complexity of the energy transition. The key to obtaining a strong response was providing a detailed supporting document and using Regen’s strong community energy network to encourage responses. The results and feedback were analysed by Regen and reviewed by WPD, who produced a final report including a list of actions based around:

  • Continued engagement
  • Enhanced information (including data)
  • Minimal thresholds for participation
  • Coordination with wider industry
  • Reviewing contracts


Read the consultation guidance document here.

Read the full report here.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Energy Market Analyst
As an energy market analyst, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project Duration: June 2014 – June 2017

The Community Energy Accelerator was a three-year project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, aiming to speed up the delivery of community energy. Regen did this by running a network of over 250 community energy groups and providing one-on-one technical and engagement support to 32 communities. This project enabled community energy groups to share learning about innovative models, recognise and harness the resources they need, build partnerships, and engage the skills and commitment of their whole community.

Through the Community Energy Accelerator, Regen has:

  • Provided over 500 hours of one-one project development support to 32 community energy groups
  • Run a peer network of over 250 community energy groups
  • Sent 125 news updates on funding, policy, and stories that affect the sector
  • Delivered 38 training and networking events, with 3673 participants
  • Developed and shared community guidance, toolkits and resources
  • Facilitated partnerships between businesses, local authorities and communities

15 of the organisations we supported are based in Devon and you can read more about their work and impact in the Devon Community Energy Impact Report .

Led by: Jodie Giles


“This is a brilliant programme. Regen are superb at organising events that explore new ideas and bring like-minded people together, so vital in a growing voluntary sector like community energy where we are all learning as we go along. When we were starting up and had no money, they let us attend their events and draw on their expertise for free. Through the Accelerator programme, they are helping us plan our next set of projects.” Hugh Synge, Nadder Community Energy 23/2/17

DCCEF Logo 4col

People on this project

Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

Project duration: May 2018 – August 2018

Regen, partnering with Carbon Coop and Community Energy Scotland, worked on one of the shortlisted BEIS Flexibility Markets Feasibility Study Competition funded research projects. This project assessed the feasibility of a service which aggregates flexible loads at the household/community level, to participate in local and national flexibility markets.

Carbon Coop

Community Energy Scotland

Regen’s work within this project was to assess the current DSO led flexibility market trials and expressions of interest, as well as the technical, regulatory and policy barriers to enabling smaller participants to enter these markets.

The main aims of the wider project were:

• To develop a model to estimate the value of different kinds of potential domestic flexibility
to DSOs and the SO in different parts of the UK;

• To specify a Technical Aggregator Platform (TAP) for the system and assess the development,
material, operational and other costs for this system to function for a range of potential
flexibility assets;

• To examine the regulatory requirements and legal barriers for the provision of community
aggregator services;

• Outline a local demonstrator project that would take the results of the feasibility study
from drawing board to market.

Download and read our guide to local flexibility markets here:

Front Cover Of Local Flex Guide

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Senior Project Manager

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Ray Arrell
Associate Director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Mollie Atherton
Mollie Atherton
Local Authorities Project Manager
Mollie leads Regen’s work with local authorities and is committed to accelerating change at…
Gareth Miller
Gareth Miller
Gareth has over two decades of director-level experience across infrastructure project finance, energy policy,…
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce Bardsley
Bruce is an Associate of Regen. He has assisted the data analytics team in…
Tamar Bourne
Tamar Bourne
Head of innovation
Tamar is the head of innovation at Regen. She strives to be at the…
Ellie Brundrett
Ellie Brundrett
Net Zero Project Manager
Since joining Regen in 2021, Ellie has been responsible for delivering some of our…
Jo Butlin
Jo Butlin
Non-Executive Director
Jo brings deep market knowledge and Board experience to support strategic and operational development…
Christine Chapter
Christine Chapter
Head of Delivery
Christine is Regen's Head of Delivery. She was previously at National Grid Electricity Transmission…
Robbie Evans
Robbie Evans
Energy Analyst
Robbie is an energy analyst at Regen. He has worked across several areas within…
Rebecca Ford
Rebecca Ford
Head of Demand and Flexibility
Rebecca is Head of Demand and Flexibility at Regen, leading work at the nexus…
Becky Fowell
Becky Fowell
Energy Market Analyst
As an energy market analyst, Becky works with data, visualisation tools and continuous stakeholder…
Olly Frankland
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network Lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale electricity…
Maxine Frerk
Maxine Frerk
Maxine has a strong regulatory background after 15 years in Ofgem including as Senior…
Simon Gill
Simon Gill
Simon is a Regen associate, providing a wealth of experience to support our analytical…
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny Gowdy
Johnny is a director of Regen and leads the development of our advisory projects,…
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Associate Director
Rachel leads Regen’s strategic partnerships and impact, ensuring we are plugged into key networks…
Jonty Haynes
Jonty Haynes
Principal Analyst
Jonty is a Principal Analyst at Regen delivering a range of technical support services,…
Frank Hodgson
Frank Hodgson
Senior Energy Analyst
Frank joined Regen in 2022 as a Senior Energy Analyst and co-leads Regen's transport…
Jessica Hogan
Jessica Hogan
Energy Analyst
Jessica joined Regen as an Energy Analyst in April 2024. Her research specialises in…
Merlin Hyman
Merlin Hyman
Chief Executive
Merlin leads Regen’s mission to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Under…
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Tamsyn Lonsdale-Smith
Senior Energy Analyst
Tamsyn is a senior energy analyst interested in all things people and digital. She…
Poppy Maltby
Poppy Maltby
Head of Local Energy
Poppy is Head of Local Energy at Regen. She is leading our work to…
George Middlemiss
George Middlemiss
Local Energy Analyst
George is a local energy analyst who plays a key role in supporting Regen’s…
Grace Millman
Grace Millman
Senior Energy Analyst
Grace is a senior energy analyst at Regen delivering high quality research, analysis and…
Meagan Reasoner
Meagan Reasoner
Energy Analyst
Meagan is a energy analyst who joined the Regen team in September of 2022…
Shona R
Shona R
Energy Analyst
Shona is an energy analyst who joined Regen in September 2022 after completing her…
Alex Robertson
Alex Robertson
Local Net Zero Project Manager
Alex delivers Regen's support of net zero at the local level, ensuring that place…
Hannah Stanley
Hannah Stanley
Stakeholder Manager
Hannah first joined Regen in 2017 quickly becoming the events manager and leading the…
Fraser Stewart
Fraser Stewart
Just Transition Lead
Fraser is driving work on energy justice and just transitions at Regen. From a…
Prina Sumaria
Prina Sumaria
Net Zero Project Manager
Prina specialises in local energy and just transition issues. She leads Regen's work supporting…
Patti S
Patti S
Senior Energy Analyst
Patti is one of Regen's senior energy analysts, working to deliver high quality data…
Alex Temple
Alex Temple
Electricity Storage Network Graduate
Alex works on the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for grid-scale…
Joel Venn
Joel Venn
Head Analyst
As head analyst, Joel is responsible for leading and developing Regen’s analytical team, as…
Felicity Vivian
Felicity Vivian
Local Net Zero Coordinator
Felicity provides support for the Thriving Places Programme an exciting two-year programme in which…
Charlotte Wason
Charlotte Wason
Graduate Energy Analyst
Charlotte is a Graduate Energy Analyst, having previously spent time as a summer intern…
Sophie Whinney
Sophie Whinney
Senior Energy Analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…
Hazel Williams
Hazel Williams
Associate Director
Hazel is responsible for Regen’s project delivery, leading on resourcing, quality assurance and developing…
Rebecca Windemer
Rebecca Windemer
Planning and Communities Lead
Rebecca leads our work on planning and communities at Regen. She holds a PhD…

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