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Portland House, Cardiff

Wednesday 19 September



Please view the agenda here.


Our energy system is changing, and this change presents opportunities for communities and local energy stakeholders.

This event focused on getting you up to speed and actively engaged in the future of our energy system. Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) from England, Wales and Scotland were on hand to help you learn about the innovative trials and projects already underway in communities across the UK. You heard from leading communities who are taking part in projects that will influence the future of local energy, and inspire the next generation of community energy business models. You also heard about policy and regulatory challenges on the road to a smart and flexible energy system, and what’s being done to make it easier for communities to participate.

Regen ran this series of events for the third year, in partnership with the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and UK DNOs. Partnerships and collaboration are essential for network innovation trials, so come and meet the people involved, get some inspiration and find some common ground.


You can view the presentation slides from the day by clicking on the images below:

2018.09.2018 Vicky Davies  Andy Heald Cardiff Slides  Community Energy LMcD  Holding Slides Cardiff  Regen Communities  Sean Sullivan


Electricity North West Northern Powergrid SP Energy Networks SSEN UK Power Networks WPD

Cee Big Logo     Community Energy Scotand Community Energy Wales ENA



19th September 2018
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Portland House
113 - 116 Bute Street
Cardiff, CF10 5EQ United Kingdom



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