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Wednesday 26 January – Thursday 27 January

Recordings of all sessions can be found below


As the UK steps up its ambition to achieve a zero carbon power system by 2035, growth in the storage industry is a dead cert, with BEIS estimating as much as 15 GW of storage to enable a renewable system by 2050. As we settle into storage as an established industry, there are key questions to be asked about how we will scale up to 15 GW, how diverse

storage technologies will be a part of the mix, and how we achieve industry maturity. The ESN Marketplace is one of the most popular industry events in the calendar, addressing these questions, demonstrating the opportunities for storage, and shaping its exciting future as a part of a zero carbon world.

The ESN has gone from strength to strength in 2021, expanding to over 50 members and diversifying our membership to represent the huge breadth of the storage industry. The Marketplace showcased the exciting work the ESN and its members have achieved over 2021 and sparked debate about the future of storage in 2022 and beyond.

We discussed how to attract sustainable investment in storage, what long duration storage means for the system, and the impact the significant increase in transmission-connected projects could have, all launched by the leading women in the storage sector. With six online sessions over two days, the ESN Annual Marketplace 2022 was a must-attend event for the storage industry.

Download the full agenda here

Session replays 

Podcast: Sustainability and Storage


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Podcast: The UK’s electricity storage pipeline


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Sound production:  Loli Carney

Music credit: Vincent Touret https://www.vincenttouret.co.uk/


2021’s Marketplace in numbers:

ESN 2020 In Numbers

Watch last year’s event 

The Electricity Storage Network

The ESN is a membership organisation, committed to creating an environment in which storage can flourish, ensuring that regulations and markets work for all types of storage, without favouring one particular technology.

Established in 2008 as the UK industry group dedicated to electricity storage, it includes a broad range of electricity storage technologies and members, such as electricity storage manufacturers and suppliers, project developers, users, electricity network operators, consultants, academic institutions, and research organisations.

The ESN is managed by Regen. If you are interested in joining the ESN please email Hannah at hstanley@regen.co.uk 

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26th January 2022
27th January 2022



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