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Wednesday 27 March
10:00am – 11:30am 
Online – Zoom
View the agenda here

Significant reforms to the UK’s electricity market have been proposed over the last few years, from the government’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) to proposed changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme. The reforms aim to make the GB wholesale market structures more dynamic and flexible and to increase the efficiency of operations. This should, in turn, create more opportunities for innovation and revenue diversification. However, these topics are often buried deep in lots of long consultations and can be difficult to understand. 

Regen has been engaging closely with these proposed reforms over the last few years, working with government and industry, and is now convening the offshore wind sector to explore the impact of these, as well as the potential implications of the upcoming general election.  

This online webinar discussed the implications of electricity market reform on the offshore wind sector. We covered changes in risk and revenue, the evolution of the CfD scheme and reforms to the deployment of flexibility. 

This event was kindly sponsored by Burges Salmon.


Burges Salmon 2


27th March 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Online Zoom

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