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Town Hall, Chippenham

Saturday 19 October

9am-12pm / 1pm-6:30pm

The event is split into two parts and you will need to book for both if you wish to attend both. Find out more about the event here, and book your place for the workshop here, and for the conference here.

You can view the conference agenda here.


The morning of the 19th is dedicated to a Carbon Trust workshop where Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can book a place to receive practical advice and support in how to tackle their energy problems, from 9am-12pm.


The ‘North Wiltshire Sustainable Business Conference’ kicks off at 1pm and will be opened by Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Energy & Clean Growth. The conference is aimed at informing and supporting North Wiltshire businesses in addressing environmental and social sustainability challenges in areas such as energy, carbon management, resource efficiency and community engagement.


There will be a series of experienced ‘industry’ speakers sharing expert knowledge and providing practical examples, as well as the opportunity to network with others working in the corporate responsibility & sustainability field.

Contact CAVEChippenham@gmail.com for any queries.


NWSBC Poster



19th October 2018
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Event Tags:


Chippenham Town Hall
High Street
Chippenham, SN15 3ER United Kingdom


Chippenham and Villages Environmentalists (CAVE)

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