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Networks Unlocked – Launch Webinar

Enabling networks to deliver whole system, societal and economic value in an era of energy system transformation

Thursday 8 June, 10:30 – 11:45 (Zoom)

Regen, and our paper sponsors SP Energy Networks launched a new thought leadership paper: Networks Unlocked, which explores the role that electricity networks can play to deliver net zero, and how they can be enabled to provide additional system, economic and societal value.

This was an incredibly important time on the UK’s energy transition journey and hardly a day goes by without a news story or commentary on how critical the networks will be to ensure that the we have a secure and clean energy system for the future. It is clear that changes are needed in how the electricity transmission and distribution networks are regulated and incentivised, in particular to deliver strategic infrastructure investment at scale.

The Networks Unlocked paper presents the case that, although the current regulatory model has a number of important strengths, there is a need for an incremental reform of its workings and objectives. The paper also considers the wider needs of the energy system, economy and society, and the challenges faced by networks who must now deliver more value to consumers and to a wider set of stakeholders; local authorities and devolved governments to communities and those that are vulnerable.

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8th June 2023
10:30 am - 11:15 am



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