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These events were online and split by licence area, as follows:

  • South Wales: Tuesday 11 June 10:00-11:30
  • West Midlands: Tuesday 11 June 14:00-15:30
  • South West: Thursday 13 June 10:00-11:30
  • East Midlands: Thursday 13 June 14:00-15:30

View agenda here

The transition to net zero carbon will bring major changes to the UK energy system, from large-scale wind, solar and energy storage projects down to heating and transport for individual households. NGED and Regen are undertaking the 2024 iteration of our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) work, for publication in December this year, which looks at a set of possible future scenarios for the uptake of key energy technologies out to 2050.

We held a series of regional consultation webinars, one for each of NGED’s licence areas, to understand how future energy system changes will vary at a regional and local level, depending on the characteristics of an area. This engagement has been a crucial component of NGED’s strategic network planning and helps NGED to plan strategically and invest appropriately in the electricity network. This year’s DFES is especially critical because it will input into the network’s 2026 RIIO-ED3 business plan, informing the delivery of infrastructure when and where it is needed in an efficient and coordinated way. By doing this, we are ensuring that our network facilitates the net zero ambitions of our stakeholders.

How we use your knowledge and expertise
During these webinars, attendees had the opportunity to respond to questions about a number of the key technologies we are modelling, including renewables, energy storage, electric vehicles, heat pumps and new housing. There was also an opportunity to provide your thoughts on the major changes we are seeing in the energy system, including the introduction of Regional Energy Strategic Planners (RESPs) and ongoing connection reform. All feedback and engagement impacts our DFES analysis by informing our modelling approach and key assumptions to reflect local characteristics and priorities. There was also the opportunity for attendees to ask questions to understand more about NGED’s use of the DFES analysis and wider network planning processes.

Watch the recording of the South Wales Webinar

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11th June 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am



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