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Powering Dorset Together

Cost: Free (booking required)

Join us in community energy fortnight for an evening of inspiration about growing your own local energy project, and getting energy into neighbourhood plans. We’ll provide the wine and nibbles and some inspiring speakers to start the conversation. During the event we will take a look at how much renewable energy there is in Dorset, who’s taking collective action, and the potential for more communities to join the energy revolution. We’ll be discussing:

  • how to start your own community energy project
  • how Dorset Community Energy have led the way and what they are up to now
  • getting ambitious energy policies into your neighbourhood plans

Following on from the Dorset Renewables Grand Tour, this event is the second in a series of Peer Power events for communities in Dorset to learn more about renewable energy and to establish a network of local energy champions. Regen’s Peer Power project is funded by Power to Change, a Big Lottery Funded programme to support community business.

View the agenda here.

Download presentations:

Jodie Giles, senior project manager, Regen

Pete West, Director, Dorset Community Energy

This event is FREE for community groups and individuals interested in starting community energy projects.

Booking for this event has now closed.


29th June 2017
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Colliton Club
Colliton House
Dorchester, DT1 1XJ
+ Google Map

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