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Tuesday 26 March
10am – 12:30pm
Online- Zoom

Regen has been working with National Grid Electricity Distribution on an innovation project focused on the decarbonisation of rural areas. The project Rural Energy and Community Heat (REACH), has been funded under the Strategic Innovation Fund, an Ofgem programme managed in partnership with UKRI.  

Rural areas face unique challenges on their decarbonisation journey, including electricity network constraints.

The workshop provided an opportunity to learn more about the project, and to chat with our technology partners about what this project would look like in the context of your specific community.

Our goal was to find 5-10 rural communities to work with over the next two months to co-create innovative approaches for meeting the local area’s decarbonisation ambitions. These were then taken forward into a second round of project funding to support feasibility studies.


REACH Community Workshop Agenda


March 26
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Online Zoom

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