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SCOP26+ Climate Conference
Saturday 6 November | 1pm-6pm
The Edgar Hall | Somerton | TA11 6SB

In November, more than 190 world leaders will come together for the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow to try and agree urgent action on climate change.

To support this global effort, the Levels Climate Forum is inviting more than 400 Somerset parishes to the SCOP26+ Climate Conference at the Edgar Hall in Somerton on Saturday 6 November from 1pm-6pm.

SCOP26+ is a free event that will bring together parish representatives to discuss practical measures that will better prepare the county for a rapidly-changing climate.

There will be talks on land management and climate adaptation, and workshops on producing a parish green charter and a heat defence plan.

It will also host the launch of an online environment pack for schools produced by South Somerset District Council, and a DIY guide to making a cheap air sensor to measure pollution levels in your parish.

There will also be ample time to network with other parishes, find common ground and share ideas.

You can send a councillor, an environment champion, or a community representative.
SCOP26+ stands for the Somerset Coalition of Parishes on Climate Change.

RSVP | SCOP26+ organiser Mo Fletcher
email | mo.fletcher@somertontowncouncil.gov.uk


6th November 2021
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Tags:


The Edgar Hall
Somerton, United Kingdom

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