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These consultation events have now finished. If you are interested in feeding your input into the WPD DFES analysis, please get in touch. Recordings of each event can be found below.


Help to shape the future of your local electricity network

Events were split by licence area, as follows:

Tuesday 5 JulyWPD Midlands English – East Midlands – 13:00 – 14:30 – link to recording
Thurs 7 July – West Midlands – 13:00 – 14:30 – link to recording
Tues 12 July – South Wales – 13:00 – 14:30 – link to recording
Thurs 14 July – South West – 13:00 – 14:30 – link to recording

Planning for the net zero transition
The transition to net zero carbon is anticipated to bring major changes to the UK energy system, from major wind, solar and energy storage projects down to heating and transport for individual households. WPD and Regen are undertaking the 2022 iteration of our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) work, which looks at a set of possible future scenarios for the uptake of key energy technologies such as renewables, energy storage, electric vehicles, heat pumps and new housing in the coming years, out to 2050. This work helps WPD to plan strategically and invest appropriately in the electricity network.

Future planning must reflect regional and local factors
Many of these future energy system changes will vary at a regional and local level, depending on the land, resources, infrastructure, buildings, and people in the area. Therefore, we will be holding a series of regional consultation webinars, one for each of WPD’s licence areas, to understand the future energy landscape on a local level to feed in to our scenario analysis and WPD’s network planning. Engaging with stakeholders is a crucial component of strategic network planning in WPD, with the feedback from stakeholders shaping our DFES scenarios, including WPD Best View. The scenarios produced feed into our longer-term strategic planning , flexibility assessment and procurement, and the Network Development Plan where constraints are identified and technically feasible options proposed.

How we use your knowledge and expertise
Your feedback will directly influence the main models and assumptions that are used during this analysis, which is being undertaken over the course of 2022. During these webinars, attendees will have the opportunity to respond to questions we have for you about a number of the key technologies we are modelling, as well as an opportunity to ask questions back to us, and to understand WPD’s use of the DFES analysis and wider network planning processes.

Engagement is absolutely crucial
Using the results from our forecasts and analysis, WPD works alongside stakeholders to deliver infrastructure when and where it is needed in an economical, efficient and coordinated way. By doing this, we are ensuring that our network facilitates the net zero ambitions of our stakeholders. By providing WPD with feedback regarding development in your local area, we will in turn be able to provide local authorities and developers with more accurate development insights as available on the WPD DFES map, which can be used to feed into Local Area Energy Planning

How to attend
To confirm your attendance at one or more of the webinars, please register here. Or, if you are unable to attend, please forward this invitation to a colleague or get in touch with Regen. If you have counterparts in other organisations who would benefit from attending any of the events, please do forward this invitation to them.

We very much look forward to seeing you.


5th July 2022
14th July 2022

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