Power of Places: A vision for local energy in the UK
Local energy provides enormous value to people, places and the national net zero mission. Yet key challenges remain to enabling this at scale. Our new thought leadership report for Innovate…
Onshore Renewable Energy: Common Myths
Developed with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Renewable & Sustainable Energy, this comprehensive guide aims to help MPs and others address common myths about onshore renewables. 
Energy Generation and Use in Wales
Accurately tracking and communicating progress against energy targets is crucial to the delivery of net zero and shaping effective policy and market responses.  Since 2017, Regen has supported the Welsh…
Sharing Power: Unlocking shared ownership for a fast and fair net zero transition
This paper provides a comprehensive framework for how shared ownership can support a just energy transition, offering detailed actions for the UK government and GB Energy to harness its potential…
Regen Annual Review 2023/24
We are pleased to showcase our key achievements with members this year in our annual review.
Regen’s priorities for the Onshore Wind Industry Taskforce
In this short paper, we set out Regen’s priorities for the Onshore Wind Industry Taskforce
Regional Energy Strategic Plans – briefing guide for local authorities
As part of Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living programme, Regen has produced a briefing guide for local authorities about the Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) policy framework. The guide provides…
Accelerating Clean British Power
In this short paper, we set out the actions needed from the new Labour government in its first 100 days in order to drive forward its clean power mission.
A progressive market reform agenda for the GB electricity system
Our latest insight paper sets out an agenda for an efficient GB electricity market that increases low-carbon investment and delivers consumer value.
Case study: Dorset Council’s grid enquiry
Grid constraints challenge our ability to deliver local net zero across the UK. As a key driver of local change, Dorset Council has taken an innovative approach to integrating barriers…
​​Regional Energy Strategic Planners: Recommendations from the ENA DNO group​
Barriers to Community Energy – response to call for evidence
At the start of June, Regen hosted an engagement event on the government’s call for evidence on the barriers to community energy. The feedback received from the 86 delegates at…
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