The local energy and infrastructure policy group explores the challenges of planning, financing and connecting energy projects.  

Grid constraints are consistently recognised as a critical challenge for local authorities, and there are ongoing reforms to the way that energy infrastructure is planned and delivered at local, regional and national levels.  

The local energy and infrastructure group has been actively engaging with these reforms to ensure that they are shaped in a way that enables local ambition, rather than hinders it. Policies and reforms that the group is engaging with include: 

  • Regional Energy Strategic Plans 
  • Reforms to Electricity Market Arrangements 
  • Clean Power 2030 and connections reform 
  • GB Energy and the Local Power Plan 
  • Local area energy planning and decarbonisation pathway planning 

The policy group meets quarterly, with Regen acting as the facilitator and delivering the policy outputs and technical assistance flowing from the key challenges and opportunities identified within our sessions.   

Publications and content produced by the Local Energy and Infrastructure group include:

If you are interested in finding out more about this policy group, get in touch with the group lead, Mollie Atherton.  

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