The retrofit of the UK’s building stock (both domestic and commercial) is one of the biggest challenges we face when it comes to net zero. The UK has some of the most inefficient buildings in Europe and retrofit is where decarbonisation meets the need to keep people warm and comfortable.

New and improving technologies in energy efficiency, insultation and electric heating technologies like heat pumps offer options to improve building stock and introduce heating that can be powered electrically rather than via fossil fuel heating technologies like gas boilers. However, this is a costly endeavour, and currently there is a lack of national frameworks to guide local authorities on retrofit.

The Net Zero Living retrofit policy group provides a platform for participants to share challenges, learn from best practice, explore new innovations and discuss ideas for policy that could help provide the blueprints for other local authorities to follow. Key challenges that the group is exploring include:

  • Retrofit supply chains and the green skills needed for mass retrofit
  • Funding and financing frameworks to share the cost burden of retrofit
  • Scaling retrofit from pilots, across whole areas
  • Retrofit in different types of buildings.

Regen and Haringey are working closely together to deliver the retrofit working group. Haringey has already established a strong network, working closely with the National Retrofit Hub. Regen is supporting in embedding this into Haringey and the Net Zero Living programme.

If you are interested in finding out more about this group, get in touch with the group lead Sophie Whinney.

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