Jodie Giles, senior project manager, has been supporting Northern Powergrid to develop a three-year strategy to engage and support community and local energy stakeholders in their licence areas.
Northern Powergrid have published their Community Energy Engagement Strategy developed in partnership with Regen. They recognise that they are in a position to help facilitate the low carbon transition, and want to support the growth of community energy to reach the most vulnerable in our society and deliver better outcomes for customers. The strategy is based on feedback from community energy representatives across the north east, and includes commitments to do more community engagement events, innovation, support connections, and give feedback to the government and Ofgem to help communities influence policy. It was also informed by insight from Regen’s community energy engagement experience over the past eight years, and in depth interviews with Northern Powergrid’s senior team, to test the feasibility of new ideas.
This strategy includes Northern Powergrid’s vision, purpose and approach, and an action plan with commitments which Northern Powergrid can work towards over the next three years (2020-2023) to support the community and local energy sector to grow and thrive.
You can view the full document here