Project duration: April 2018 to November 2018

Cornwall Council is at the forefront of the energy transition and is now looking at innovative approaches to further develop its energy portfolio and to help facilitate economic growth.  On behalf of Cornwall Council, Regen is supporting the development of an energy storage solution at the Aerohub site in Newquay, Cornwall (UK). This location offers several opportunities and options for the development of innovative storage solutions, co-located with solar PV generation and demand customers at the Aerohub. An initial high-level feasibility study showed that there was value from increasing onsite usage of renewable generation and avoiding
peak prices. However, it also showed that additional revenue and/or cost reduction would be needed to enable a viable business in the current market. Following this Cornwall Council was interested in investigating the technical options available in more detail. 

Regen drafted and circulated the prospectus and expression of interest, that outlined an exciting opportunity to work with an innovative Council to develop an energy storage system.

We received an excellent response from the sector by using our knowledge of active companies and existing contact lists. A solar power portal article helped publicise the project to a wider sector audience and a number of companies asked for further information during the process, which was provided if available and approved. We received interest from a total of 23 companies.

Aerohub Prospectus

Aerohub Logo Block

Following the prospectus and EoI, further modelling work was undertaken to identify the viability of energy storage at the Aerohub site in August 2019. To accurately assess potential savings, the model uses the latest electricity tariffs alongside half-hourly historical generation and grid import/export data (2018/19) from Kernow Solar park and Newquay Aerohub respectively. The modelling looked at a lithium-ion and redox flow battery options.  

We are continuing to work in partnership with Cornwall Council to confirm suitable next steps and the process for developing the potential energy storage project at the site in question.


If you are interested in finding out more about this work, please contact Olly Frankland


People on this project

Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…

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