Regen is supporting the National Infrastructure Commission with analysis for its study into the electricity distribution network.  

Project duration: April to October 2024 

Project lead: Frank Hodgson, senior energy analyst

Project director: Johnny Gowdy, director 

The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) is carrying out a study to provide government with recommendations on the policy, regulatory and governance changes needed to make the distribution network in Great Britain fit for net zero.  

The distribution network delivers power to homes and businesses across the country across over almost a million kilometres of power lines and around 600,000 substations. It connects to the electricity transmission network which transports power over longer distances. 

The requirements of the distribution network are set to materially change as electricity increasingly provides more of our energy for heating and transport including the uptake of millions of heat pumps and electric vehicles, rooftop solar and other low carbon technologies. 

In this project Regen, in partnership with EA Technology Ltd, are providing the NIC with research, analysis and modelling to support their study. This will include analysis of future network capacity requirements to achieve a net zero scenario, with a number of sensitivities, which can be used assess the scale of investment required in a range of network and non-network solutions. 

Regen and EA Technology Ltd will not providing policy recommendations to the Commission in this project. 

More information on the National Infrastructure Commission’s study can be found here. 

2021 NIC Logo And Strapline Black


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