Regen worked with the Energy Saving Trust and other key regional partners to deliver the £6.3 million European funded programme, Ready for Retrofit.

Regen took the lead in providing intensive business support to over 600 south west businesses in the construction, energy efficiency and micro-renewable sectors.

September 2011 – September 2015

The vision was to create a sustainable domestic energy efficiency and microgeneration sector in the south west, capable of delivering a massive refurbishment of south west housing stock. This sector would take full advantage from national finance mechanisms up to 2020, such as the Feed in Tariff, Renewable Heat Incentive, Green Deal and the Energy Company Obligation.

The programme resulted in:

  • the creation of more than 203 new jobs, as well as safeguarding a further 77 jobs
  • an increase in local business turnover of £19.8m

The project provided an opportunity to understand and analyse the varied supply chain in the south west. The publications below provide further detail.

Ready For Retrofit Investment Opportunity EST

Ready For Retrofit South West Retrofit Market Study

Ready For Retrofit Supply Chain Study Summary


Lead by: Olly Frankland


People on this project

Tim Crook
Senior project manager
Tim is a mechanical engineer with a broad range of experience in onshore heat…
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…

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