Regen is working with UK Power Networks to assess the potential impact of battery storage development on their distribution networks in the Eastern, South Eastern and London licence areas.

Project duration: July – December 2023

Project lead: Ray Arrell, Head of Future Energy Systems

The commercial battery storage sector has significantly and rapidly grown over the past 8 years. From a handful of early-adopters seeking to participate in National Grid ESO’s Enhanced Frequency Response auctions in 2016/17, to the 10s of GW of prospective projects that are currently seeking grid connections across multiple voltage tiers across all areas of the UK.

Whilst a growing number of operational sites are now providing a range of services to the UK electricity system, the true scale of development and impact of battery storage capacity on our electricity networks, remains an area that DNOs and the transmission operators are looking to understand in more detail.

Off the back of Regen’s extensive experience in assessing battery pipelines through our DFES analysis and the management of the Electricity Storage Network, UK Power Networks (UKPN) has commissioned Regen to complete a battery storage impact assessment for their distribution network licence areas in the East and South East of England (including central London).


This impact assessment will include:

  • A deep analysis of the current pipeline of battery connection offers
  • A review of battery storage business models and revenue sources moving forward
  • A spatial mapping of project development clusters
  • The development of operating mode profiles for a set of battery storage asset classes

Regen/the ESN would welcome views from the battery storage sector (and beyond) to feed in to this impact assessment.

For more information on this project, please contact Ray Arrell.

People on this project

Ray Arrell
Associate director
Ray is part of the Regen leadership team, overseeing our work and strategic goals…
Olly Frankland
Electricity Storage Network lead
Olly leads the Electricity Storage Network, the industry group and voice for the grid-scale…
Sophie Whinney
Senior energy analyst
Sophie has a masters in Engineering Design from the University of Bristol, where she…

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