Regen Art Lab – Residency 1 Resources
Regen energy experts are collaborating with artist Karenza Sparks through the Regen Art Lab residency programme  to explore the challenges and opportunities in decarbonising the UK’s heat. View Karenza’s resources…
An economic evaluation of the Active Network Management scheme at the Dunbar GSP
Working with SP Energy Networks, Regen has produced a report on the future role of Active Network Management (ANM) as a technology solution that could, when applied in network constraint…
Local authority models for developing renewable energy
The Climate Change Committee has indicated that a fourfold increase in renewable generation deployment will be needed to meet net zero by 2050. This generation will be needed at all…
Dorset LEP Energy Investment Plan
Regen has produced a unique study with the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to identify the low carbon investments opportunities within Dorset, as well as to understand the economic benefits…
Regen Annual Review 2020/21
We are pleased to showcase our key achievements with members this year in our annual review.
Hydrogen for heat: eight critical questions
As we await the delayed publication of the UK government’s Hydrogen Strategy, and the even more delayed Heat and Buildings Strategy, Regen has been giving some thought to the question…
Community energy guide to Ofgem’s proposals for changes to network charging
Regen greenhouse gas assessment
As part of our net zero commitment under the Race To Zero, our internal Sustainability Task Force, has conducted an assessment of Regen’s carbon footprint for each year from 2019…
Community Energy State of the Sector Reports 2021
Regen has delivered the Community Energy England, Scotland, and Wales State of the Sector reports to understand and showcase the current state of the community energy sector, and identify evidence-based areas…
Climate diplomacy: G7 leaders must put more on the table to enable global decarbonisation
As we look ahead to the G7 Summit, Regen takes a critical look at some of the global issues facing climate change policymakers, including COP26 coal commitments, western leadership, and…
SSEN energy efficiency demand reduction factors reports
Policy changes to network charging: A national methodology with big local impacts

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