Local supply paper: 3rd edition
The third edition of this paper focuses on the most recent innovations and thinking in local supply models. It looks at where there are sources of value from a more…
Delivering a Smart Energy System
November 2017
Energy Storage: The Next Wave
Heat Networks: Options For Providing Heat Locally
October 2017
WPD Storage Growth Scenarios & Operating Modes – Results Report
Distributed generation, demand and storage study – East Midlands 2017
WPD Storage Growth Scenarios & Operating Modes – Consultation
Smart energy and storage company directory
This directory covers a range of organisations providing products and services in the smart energy and storage sectors across the UK.
Rough Guide to Engaging Communities in Energy Network Innovation
Regen working with the Energy Networks Association have produced this guide is for communities and distribution network operators.
Guide to connecting electricity storage for communities and independent developers
This guide is aimed at community energy groups and independent developers looking to develop electricity storage projects
Pathway to Parity Series 2016
Energy Storage: Towards a Commercial Model

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