August 2020

Annual ReviewLast year saw the UK set a ground-breaking legislative commitment to net zero, driven by millions of people, from school children to
pensioners, taking to the streets to campaign for our planet’s future. This year we expected to be focused on turning that ambition into action. Instead we have been faced with another global emergency: a pandemic that is far from over. An immediate crisis with tragic outcomes for many families and with farreaching consequences for the economy and our ways of life.

In response, Regen has stepped up to work with you, our members, to shape public policy to unlock billions of pounds of investment in clean energy, creating the new jobs the economy needs. We are working with local authorities and utilities on setting out whole system pathways to zero carbon. We are leading pioneering projects to enable smart, local energy systems to address power, heat and transport. The decisions we make in the coming year, as we invest to recover from the pandemic, will be critical. Our commitment is to work with you to ensure the UK ‘builds back better’ towards a smart, zero carbon energy system.

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