As a member, we agree to the following:

  • we will share our experiences with other members, supporting and guiding those embarking on similar projects or who are new to the industry
  • we will support Regen staff in doing an effective job on behalf of the entire sector
  • we will promote the role of Regen encouraging other organisations and companies to join and take forward clean energy projects.

By signing we accept that we agree to Regen terms and conditions of membership comprising the articles of association of the Company and the additional terms found below, together with any additional rules issued by the directors from time to time.

Regen SW is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital. Membership is subject to approval of the directors. Under the memorandum, members may be required to contribute £10 to the assets of the Company if it should be wound up.

You can add four additional employees to receive the member benefits. If you would like to add more please contact our Membership Manager. Additional employees need to be confirmed by the named person on this form.

All data will be securely held by Regen in compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and will be treated confidentially. It will be used for a full range of activities including sending out publications, promotions of benefits and services available to members, and notices of events and meetings. Regen will not share your data with third parties.


In these Terms and Conditions the Company means Regen SW (company number 04554636) and the Member means the firm, company or organisation on whose behalf they are acting or purporting to act.
ii. Subscriptions are payable in sterling only.
iii. The Company will issue an invoice for all applications. Payment Terms are 30 days from the date of applying or immediately if wanting to utilise member discount rates at a Regen event.
iv. Payment by credit card will be surcharged by no more than £10.
v. Privileges of ordinary and enhanced membership are detailed on
vi. Membership is continuous, until revoked in writing and acknowledged. One month’s notice is required. New Members only have a fifteen day period in which to revoke membership and receive a full refund (provided no services have been used) otherwise no refunds are available in any other circumstances.
vii. The membership year begins on the date of application and subscriptions are payable annually in advance within 30 days of the membership anniversary.
viii. Membership fees are revised annually and will be notified to members by email.
ix. Terms and Conditions of membership, in addition to those contained in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, may be revised from time to time and will be notified to Members by email.
x. Subscription payments not received within one month of becoming due will result in the membership being considered lapsed and all services may be suspended pending payment. However, membership charges will continue to accrue, together with interest at 2% above base rate until resignation is formally received in writing, subject to (vi) above.
xi. Rates are exclusive of VAT at 20 per cent.
xii. Payments for applications from organisations with non-UK mailing addresses may be subject to mailing cost surcharges.
xiii. Membership is intended for employees of the named Member. Parent or other related companies are expected to join in their own right if employees of those companies wish to receive member benefits.
xiv. Company details, as provided by the Member, are held on computer, and are published in printed lists and via the Internet.
xv. Orders placed with the Company shall constitute a contract when the Member either signs the order or confirms their acceptance by email.
xvi. Contracts between the Member and the Company shall be governed by English Law and the Member and the Company submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
xvii. The Member gives consent to the Company to carry out a credit search on the partners and directors of the organisation now or at a future date. The credit search will be recorded by the Company.
xviii. All membership benefits and services are offered subject to availability and the Company accepts no liability for failure to provide any such benefits and services.
xix. In the first instance all enquiries should be directed to our Membership Manager.
xx. The services provided by the Company to Members will not, unless specifically agreed in writing by the Company, include professional or technical advice.
xxi. It is the responsibility of the Member to inform Regen of any change in the main contact responsible for membership and for any change in their email address. If emails do not bounce back to Regen within half an hour of sending, then they are deemed to have been received.

Regen is the trading name of Regen SW, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 04554636.

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