For more than two decades, Regen has played a key role in supporting the community energy sector. By advocating for policy and regulatory change, we have helped remove barriers and create fairer market conditions to enable community-led projects to thrive.
We believe that community energy is an essential ally for a fast and fair transition to net zero. By building the case for all communities to have a greater stake in that transition we can create a more democratic system that transforms people’s relationship with energy and ensures no one is left behind.
Our accessible events, research and briefing guides ensure organisations understand the impact of policies and have the tools and evidence to shape them. We also ensure that communities are represented in our wider energy policy influencing, including consultations, thought leadership and strategic discussions with policymakers.
Drawing on our deep energy system expertise and networks, we partner and support on projects that explore innovative models for community-owned energy to unlock new social and economic value. We work actively with the sector to shape solutions that enable fairer community involvement and benefit.
Across the country, communities are pushing to build their own projects to support local wealth building, regenerate local spaces and tackle fuel poverty. With GB Energy and the Local Power Plan, the government has signalled its intention to unlock community energy at scale, recognising that it is critical to building support for the clean power mission – and putting power into the hands of people.
The target set in the GB Energy Founding Statement for local and community-owned energy by 2030
The percentage of the UK public who would support community-owned energy on their doorstep
The number of people who are members of community energy organisations in the UK today
Community energy is back on the table in the UK in a big way. Regen has a strong legacy in the sector, with more than two decades of convening, thought leadership, analysis and advocacy to help advance community projects. Leveraging our deep energy policy, markets and system knowledge, we have worked with the wider movement to build the case – and shape solutions – to enable communities to take ownership of a more just energy transition.
Community energy empowers local people to take control of their energy future, generating renewable power and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
It strengthens communities by keeping economic benefits local, creating jobs, and supporting social initiatives.
By increasing public engagement in the energy transition, community energy helps drive policy change and build a more resilient, sustainable energy system.
Regen membership offers community energy organisations the opportunity to understand and influence the policy landscape at this pivotal moment for the sector. Access to deep sector, policy, market, network and regulatory insights and events on topics such as connections, shared ownership, local supply and innovation, through our experienced team. This can be leveraged to support with your own projects or strategy development.
Community groups learning from each other through shared experiences strengthens the sector, helping communities overcome challenges and adopt best practices. Advanced groups are able to support those just starting out.
Benefit from dedicated resources, advice and advocacy that helps local and community energy projects thrive.
If you're interested in finding out more about membership, contact our communities and just transition lead, Fraser Stewart.
Contact Fraser