New publication

Planning reform in the renewables sector: A crucial year

Our new paper sets out five key challenges facing the local planning system for renewables and how they should be addressed.
New publication

The local grid challenge

Our latest report, in partnership with the MCS Foundation, warns that the UK should learn the lessons from failing to invest earlier in the transmission network and ensure local grid upgrades are made a critical infrastructure priority over the next 25 years
New publication

Roadmap to RESP

This report, sponsored by SSEN, sets out new thinking on the role of Regional Energy Strategic Planners in unlocking regional ambition – and how we might evolve existing processes, such as network and local area energy planning, in the interim.

Preparing Britain’s electricity network for net zero

Regen's paper published in partnership with the MCS Charitable Foundation sets out the scale of the challenge – and the solutions – to prepare Britain’s electricity network for net zero.

A day in the life of 2035: Second edition - Our future net zero electricity system

Regen and ESO's new interactive report explores how a net zero power system could operate during more challenging periods of the year.

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Regen is an independent centre of energy expertise with a mission to accelerate the transition to a zero carbon energy system. We are leading strategists on the pathway to a zero carbon energy system, focused on analysing the systemic challenges of decarbonising power, heat and transport. We know that a transformation of this scale will require engaging the whole of society in a just transition.

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